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If you are struggling with your finances, here are some services that can offer you some help:
This link provides some helpful information about Local Housing Allowance: https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/benefits-financial-support/housing-benefit/local-housing-allowance
National Debtline can be contacted on this link: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/
Step Change can help with debt and offer free debt advice on 0800 043 40 50 or can be contacted on this link: https://www.stepchange.org/
Turn2us can help with lots of different aspects of finance and can be contacted on https://www.Turn2us.org.uk
Money Helper (run by HMRC) can be contacted on https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/ and have lots of advice on benefits and money troubles.
CAP can help with any debt problems you may have and can be contacted on https://capuk.org/i-want-help/our-services/cap-debt-help/introduction Or 0800 328 0006
If you feel you are suffering domestic abuse or violence and you are in immediate risk, please call 999 immediately.
If you are not in immediate danger, here are some organisations that can help you with this situation.
The NCDV are a fantastic organisation that can help you to get an injunction or Prohibited Steps Order against the perpetrator as quickly as 24 hours. There has to have been recent police involvement for them to be able to do this for you. They can be contacted on: 0800 970 2070 or you can text NCDV to 60777 or you can access their website through this link: https://www.ncdv.org.uk/
Safer Places can offer lots of different types of help to people who are suffering or who have suffered domestic abuse. You can contact them on: 03301 025 811 or their website: https://www.saferplaces.co.uk/
Women’s aid have lots of helpful information and can be contacted on this link: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/
Refuge can offer advice around what abuse is and your rights and options as well as offering support. They can be contacted on: 0808 2000 247 or through their website: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/
Respect Mens Advice Line specifically offers support for men that have been victims of domestic abuse. They can be contacted on: 0808 801 0327 or the link to their webpage is: https://mensadviceline.org.uk/
The LGBT Foundation offer help and support to people of the LGBT community who are or who have been suffering from domestic abuse. Their phone number is 0345 3 30 30 30 and their website link is: https://lgbt.foundation/domesticabuse?__cf_chl_managed_tk__=pmd_5LOL91e2bIEAdL7mJNkONCBswxgkkMDdstUkptNThZs-1630674155-0-gqNtZGzNArujcnBszRMl
Karma Nirvana works to end honour based abuse in the UK and offers support and can offer information to support people suffering from this. Their helpline number is 0800 5999 247 and their website link is: https://karmanirvana.org.uk/
Rights of Women can help women to know their legal rights when it comes to surviving abuse. They can be contacted using this link: https://rightsofwomen.org.uk/
This is some guidance from the local council on housing advice in relation to domestic abuse and violence: https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/housing/homeless-or-threatened-homelessness/housing-advice-domestic-violence-and-abuse
DAA bring together organisations working on the frontline of domestic abuse across the UK with the legal sector to deliver joined-up instant legal assistance and protection for victims. For more information, please see their webpage: https://domestic-abuse.co.uk/ or they can be contacted on their advice line: 0800 101 7110
It can be really difficult to loss someone we love and from time to time we may need support to help us with our grief.
Grief is a natural process, but it can be devastating. Cruse are here to support you after the death of someone close. You can call them on: 0808 808 1677 and a link to their website is: https://www.cruse.org.uk/
At a Loss are the UK’s signposting website for anyone bereaved and those supporting them. You can talk to a bereavement counsellor by clicking on the link: https://www.ataloss.org/live-chat and you can visit their website: https://www.ataloss.org/
Grief Encounter is a leading UK bereavement charity offering free, professional support to bereaved children, young people and their families. This includes face-to-face and online therapeutic services, a free national helpline open weekdays from 9am – 9pm, and training for schools, professionals and organisations. They can be contacted via phone on 0808 802 0111, or their webpage is:griefencounter.org.uk
Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement, and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. You can call them on:0800 02888 40 or visit them on their website: https://www.childbereavementuk.org/
We all need some support from time to time to help to make us feel a little more in control of things. If you are concerned about your mental health, or the mental health of your child, your GP is always the best place to seek advice in the first instance. If you feel someone is at immediate risk of seriously harming themselves or others due to a mental health episode, call 999 immediately.
Here are some useful organisations that you can contact for self-help, after following the above advice.
Community and Wellbeing Page for East Herts offers lots of helpful tips and advice to stay healthy and improve your wellbeing. The link to their webpage is: https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/community-and-wellbeing
This is the link to the CAMHS section of the NHS website: https://www.hpft.nhs.uk/services/child-and-adolescent-mental-health-services-camhs/ By looking on this website, you can find lots of self help for emotional wellbeing and mental health issues.
Rethink can help you to find help and support with lots of areas of emotional wellbeing and mental health. You can call them on: 0808 801 0525 and the link to their website is: https://www.rethink.org/
Mind can offer help and advice, and counselling for a small fee. You can call them on: 0203 727 3600 or their website is: https://www.mind.org.uk/
Future Living provide help and support for people recovering from addiction or domestic abuse. They can be contacted on: 01992 537344 or their webpage can be reached by this link: https://www.futurelivinghertford.co.uk/
Beat offers support to people struggling with an eating disorder. They can be contacted on their helpline on: 0808 801 0677 or their Student Line 0808 801 0811 or their Youth Line 0808 801 0811. Alternatively, their website address is: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/
Every Mind Matters is a self help web page, written by the NHS. The web address is: https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/
Mental Health Foundation webpage has lots of information and self help ideas. Here is their web address: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/your-mental-health
No Panic offers advice, support, recovery programmes and help for people living with phobias, OCD and any other anxiety-based disorders. They can be contacted on 0300 772 9844 or their webpage: https://nopanic.org.uk/
OCD Action provide support and information to anyone affected by OCD. Their webpage is: https://ocdaction.org.uk/ and their helpline number is: 0300 636 5478
SANE help people affected by mental illness to not face crisis, distress or despair alone. Their webpage is: http://www.sane.org.uk/ or call SANEline between 4:30pm – 10:30pm on 0300 304 7000
Papyrus is a charity that helps to prevent young suicide. Their webpage is: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/ they can be contacted via email on: pat@papyrus-uk.org or you can call Hopeline on 0800 068 4141
CALM help people struggling with their mental health or feeling suicidal. Their webpage is: https://www.thecalmzone.net/ or they can be reached by phone after 5pm on 0800 585858
Samaritans can talk to anyone who is struggling with their mental health or emotional wellbeing. Their website is: https://www.samaritans.org/ They can be contact by phone on: 116 123 or emailed on Jo@samaritans.org and they will respond to you within 24 hours.
Getting out and about is so good for our mental health and emotional wellbeing. Here is a link to all of the local parks in the Ware area: https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/sports-leisure-parks/local-parks-open-spaces-0/parks-open-spaces-ware
Here are some really helpful places to get help and advice relating to Special Educational Needs.
DSPL3 can help with all SEND issues. Their website is: https://dspl3.co.uk/
SENDIASS offer lots of help and advice to parents on children with SEN needs, from advice around EHCP’s to information on Transport to school. This is the link to their webpage: https://www.hertssendiass.org.uk/home.aspx or they can be contacted via phone on 01992 555847 (Monday to Thursday 9:30 – 3pm or Friday 9:30 – 2pm) or you an email them on info@sendiass.org.uk and they will aim to get back to you within 3 working days.
Children’s Occupational Therapy service from the NHS can offer lots of advice and support to Parents and Carers to help their children to develop or maintain their independence. This service is available to all parents and carers across Hertfordshire. The link to the website is: https://www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/childrens-occupational-therapy/
ADD-Vance provide help and support and run courses relating to ADHD and Autism. Their webpage is: http://www.add-vance.org/
CHATSS is a parent support group run by parents of children with special educational needs of all different types. This is the link to the Hertford groups website: https://www.chatss.org.uk/
CHIPS Playscheme offer play and social opportunities for children with additional needs aged 3 to 19, and their siblings, living in East Hertfordshire and the Borough of Broxbourne. Their webpage is: https://chipsplay.org/
Grove Cottage provides social and educational activities for people of all ages with a learning disability based in Bishop’s Stortford and surrounding areas. Their webpage is: https://www.mencapgrovecottage.org/
There are four Family Centres in this area. In Hertford there is Selections and Churchfields and in Ware there is Silver Birches and Ash Valley. Family centres offer help and advice to families with children aged 0-4 and can offer various types of support to families to help then with any issues that may arise. They are also a good way to build networks of support with other families.
The main web address for the Family Centres is: https://www.hertsfamilycentres.org/family-centres.aspx and their central phone number is 0300 123 7572.
Hertford Selections Family Centre can be contacted on 01992 581258
Churchfields Family Centre can be contacted on 01992 906632
Silver Birches Family Centre can be contacted on 01920 463949
Ash Valley Family Centre can be contacted on 01920 468263
To make contact with or get support from your local health visiting team, here is the address for their web page: https://www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/health-visiting/ you can also access this service through your local Family Centre.
School nurses offer lots of different services and are a good point of contact if you have any concerns about your child’s emotional health and wellbeing.
They can be contacted by phone on 0300 123 7572 or you can find out more about what they offer, through their website: https://www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/school-nursing/
There is also a school nurse Instagram page and a chat health text messaging service for 11-19yo, which can be accessed between 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday on 07480 635050 and they will reply as soon as possible, within a 24 hour time frame. More can be found out about this service on their Health for Teens webpage: https://www.healthforteens.co.uk/hertfordshire/chathealth-texting-service-for-age-11-18/
This is a list of other useful services within this area:
This link offers advice and guidance with regard to potential emergencies, whether it is a major incident, severe weather or possible flu pandemic.There is also advice covering factors that you may not immediately think of – issues such as how you can prepare for emergencies, and recovering after an incident. Here is the link for the webpage: https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/emergencies/useful-information-emergency
Healthy Hubs offer free information, advice and support to help you stay healthy and well. They can be contacted through their webpage: https://www.healthyhubs.org.uk/home.aspx or https://www.healthyhubnorthherts.co.uk/ Alternatively, they can be rung on 01462 474111 or emailed on healthyhub@north-herts.gov.uk
Family Lives offer lots of help and advice on many areas of family life. Here is a link to their webpage: https://www.familylives.org.uk/ or they can be contacted by phone on: 0808 800 2222 from 1:30pm – 9pm.
Alcoholics Anonymous can be contacted on this webpage: https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/members/regional-&-local-websites/eastern-region/North-Herts-Intergroup/Meetings their national helpline number is 0800 9177 650 or they can be contacted via email on help@aamail.org
Narcotics Anonymous hold meetings and offer support for people with addictions to all types of narcotics. Their webpage is: https://ukna.org/meetings/county/hertfordshire Their helpline is open 10am – Midnight and can be reached on 0300 999 1212
CGL offer help and support to people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Their webpage is: https://www.changegrowlive.org/spectrum-hertfordshire-drug-alcohol-services/hertford and they can be contact via email at herts@cgl.org.uk or on 0800 652 3169 9am – 5pm Monday and Saturday or 9am – 7pm Tuesday to Friday.
Carers in Herts service provides help and support for unpaid carers. They can be contacted on 01992 58 69 69 or their web page is: https://www.carersinherts.org.uk/
Herts Help provide help for people with all kinds of problems, from financial to finding transport to hospital. Their webpage is: https://www.hertshelp.net/hertshelp.aspx or they can be phoned on 0300 123 4044
Home–Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. Their website is: https://www.home-start.org.uk/