SENDIASS offers lots of help and advice to parents on children with SEN needs, from advice about EHCP’s to information on Transport to school. See Website or call: 01992 555 847 (Monday to Thursday 9:30 – 3pm or Friday 9:30 – 2pm) or email: and they will aim to get back to you within 3 working days.
Children’s Occupational Therapy service from the NHS can offer lots of advice and support to Parents and Carers to help their children to develop or maintain their independence. This service is available to all parents and carers across Hertfordshire. The link to the website is:
ADD-Vance provides help and support and runs courses relating to ADHD and Autism. See website
CHIPS Playscheme offers play and social opportunities for children with additional needs aged 3 to 19, and their siblings, living in East Hertfordshire and the Borough of Broxbourne. See website